In the corporate world, the pandemic has often led to the renunciation of business trips. At the same time, it revealed how important it is to invest in risk and security management and therefore to be able to recognize any threats to which employees, whether traveling or not, are exposed and consequently use the prevention tools available. Among the most obvious safety protocols in the case of business trips is, for example, the possible repatriation of employees. In an increasingly globalized world, even SMEs linked to multinationals are becoming more and more global, thus proportionally increasing the business travel of their employees. The consequence is greater pressure on the employer in terms of responsibility, assessment of risks and dangers, protocols to be provided, etc.; in a single expression we are talking about travel security management .


Security and safety foreseen by the duty of care: what is it?

Business trips usually go perfectly, without any hitches or dangers. However, there could always be a risk lurking around the corner. Especially in the case of trips abroad, the unpredictability variables increase based on climatic conditions, geopolitical developments, internal political tensions, etc. Obviously these risks must be placed in a hierarchy of probabilities, however it is the employer's responsibility, in any situation, to ensure safety and security . A GBTA survey directly questioned employees, who said that 46% work at companies that do not have travel policies in place, while 22% of them would not know who to contact abroad in an emergency. The conclusion that can be drawn is that travel security management is still unknown to many, too many companies, furthermore there is a lack of communication of essential information between the company and workers on the move.

In reality the so-called duty of care , the duty of diligence, requires to be demonstrated to any private or public organization; especially in terms of protection obligations dictated by the Consolidated Law or by the most recent ISO31030 standard in the event of a crisis, an accident or any situation that could jeopardize the employee's safety. duty of care policies are seen as a really important aspect in planning and managing trips abroad. In addition to protecting traveling staff as a matter of duty, travel security puts the employee in a position to feel more relaxed and protected and therefore to be more motivated and productive during the trip . But what are the procedures to satisfy the legal obligation on the part of the employer to assume legal responsibility for the health, safety and protection of the traveling employee?


Company best practices for employee travel safety

A company action plan that addresses the safety, health and well-being of traveling employees must include some thoughtful practices that reduce travel risks. The International SOS , a foundation that deals with this aspect, has drawn up a handbook in which it has indicated the actions necessary to correctly comply with the duty of diligence . Among the ten points listed, the need to develop policies and procedures for travel risk management emerges first and foremost; It is also crucial to involve all the key players in planning the company policy (including suppliers), as well as communicating and training the workers themselves in the protocols. Another fundamental step is to evaluate the risks in the destination country before initiating the transfer of the employee.

These practices must from time to time take into consideration the specificity of the destination of the trip: a country where there is strong political instability or which is sensitive to terrorist threats requires preventive and careful planning, constantly updated based on the latest information. At the same time the plan must consider other sensitive factors. The pandemic has made it very clear to everyone: employee health is a priority to be preserved and therefore close communication with medical facilities in the area is essential. But even without having to talk about global pandemics, in order to protect the health of the worker it is necessary to plan in advance the management of any problems, based on a personal medical history . At the same time, a competent doctor should ensure that all employees are protected in relation to the epidemiological framework of the destination country . We can connect to this aspect the issue linked to the hygiene of the country of travel which leads to food safety .


Alma Travel defines travel risk management procedures

The choice of collaborators and service providers is very important from a travel security management . Being able to count on interlocutors who share the same priorities, are experts in their sector and are open to collaboration is not secondary. Alma Travel is a travel agency specializing in business travel since 1972 . Lots of experience with business customers makes us aware of the needs of our interlocutors. Today Alma Travel is the ideal partner for cutting-edge solutions in the field of digital process management of sustainable business travel. On the other hand, technologies and software tools for planning trips mean being able to count on tools capable of monitoring traveling employees and promptly communicating with them with alert messages, also putting them in contact with any references in the area. Precisely by virtue of our experience, we can deal with the drafting of travel policies and the definition of risk management procedures . On the other hand, the pandemic has been an opportunity for growth for us too and we are increasingly ready to support companies struggling with the protection of their employees on the move, because safety has no boundaries but certainly has responsibilities.


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